Invited Speaker: International
Martens, M. (2024). Invited talk: Serving Children in Libraries Around the World: Perspectives from IFLA’s C&YA Section. International Library of Children's Literature, National Diet Library, Tokyo, Japan. (Online). Martens, M. (2024). Invited Keynote: Shaping the Future: Embracing Advanced Technology in Library Services for Children and Young Adults. 16th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults, Busan, Republic of Korea, June 2024 Martens, M. (2024). Invited speaker at the Croatian Children’s Library Association Conference (as part of our IFLA Midyear Conference). “Joyful Opposition” in an Age of Censorship, Defunding, and State Control: Subversive Actions to Protect Libraries in America. Zagreb, Croatia. Martens, M. (2022, November). Invited Speaker and Panelist to represent the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) at the bilingual UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education, Tashkent, Uzbekistan/Conférence mondiale sur l’éducation et la protection de la petite enfance. Martens, M. (2022, May). Invited Keynote: From #librariansoftiktok to #booktokturkey: How librarians are channeling technology to meet young readers. Third International Children’s Libraries Symposium: “Local Authority Children’s Libraries (Municipalities),” Gaziantep, Turkey. (Given online as I developed Covid and was unable to travel.) |

Martens, M., Dahl Mortenson, S., Hellman, S., Larsson, T., Lunne, S., Scheffler, B., Systad, J. (2022, March 24). IFLA’s libraries for children and young adults section: An overview. Presentation for the Norwegian Library Association’s Biannual Meeting, Oslo, Norway.
Martens, M. (2022, March 25). Invited Presentation: The MLIS degree, ALSC competencies, and youth
services librarianship in the age of COVID: A US perspective in a global context. Hosted by the Committee for Library Services for Children and Young Adults of the Croatian Library Association, Conference on Competencies. (Virtual because of Covid-19.)
Martens, M. (2021, October 20). Invited Keynote: Silver-lining innovations: Engaging young people and working towards online safety. National Library of the Philippines. 7th International Conference on Children and Young Adult Librarianship (ICCYAL): “Librarian Roles in Combating Pandemic-Related Challenges Among Children and Young Adults.”
Martens, M. (2021, April 20). Establishing 'taste' in literature for youth: From arbiters of taste to reader fans. Invited “Theme Lecture” for Seshadripuram Evening Degree College’s Golden Jubilee, Bengaluru, India. Via Zoom, and live-streamed on Facebook.
Martens, M. (2021, March 1). Fandom through the lens of Harry Potter and beyond. Invited guest lecture for Dr. Melanie Ramdarshan-Bold’s “Publishing and Book Cultures” class, University College London. 77 Students attended.
Martens, M. (2020, October 13-14). Invited Keynote: From STEM, fandom, and activism, to #ownvoices and cancel culture: Current trends in North American young adult services. International Congress: Today’s youth in a modern library. The Russian State Library for Young Adults, Moscow. Presentation was be recorded and live streamed because of COVID19. The presentation starts from 1:46:30.
Martens, M. (2020, September 22). Invited Lecture: The Impact of Covid-19 on library service for children and young adults: An international perspective. Seminar on Library Services for Children and Young Adults in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the National Library
of Korea. Pre-recorded presentation because of COVID-19. presentation time is from
02:30:12 to 02:59:52.
Martens, M. (2020, March). Literacy as aid work: Designing literacy materials in Northeast Nigeria. IFLA Satellite Meeting, Odense, Denmark. Canceled because of COVID-19.
Martens, M. (2019, March). Contemporary trends in library service to young people in North America. Japan Library Association Conference, IFLA Satellite Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
Scheffler, B., and Martens, M. (2019, March). IFLA-Richtlinien für bibliotheksangebote für kinder von 0 bis 18 Jahre (IFLA-Guidelines for Youth Services for Children Aged 0-18). Invited international guest at the Leipzig Library Fair, Leipzig, Germany. (Presentation in German).
Martens, M. (2019, February). Contemporary trends in library service to young people in North America. Japan Library Association Conference, IFLA Satellite Meeting Tokyo, Japan.
Martens, M. (2018). Digital reading experiences for young people. IFLA Satellite Meeting, mini conference for Italian Librarians, Florence, Italy.
Martens, M. (2017, May). Media mentorship and emerging technology: How youth services librarians are shrinking the digital divide. Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide International Conference. Invited by the Association for Library Service to Children
Martens, M. and Campbell, C. (2014, October). The movement around young children, new media & libraries. Invited by Dr. Judith Saltman and Dr. Eric Meyers, University of British Columbus, Vancouver.
Martens, M. (2014, June). Poaching readers’ responses: Young people, online book related sites, and the law. Digital Reading Symposium, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK.
Invited Speaker: National
Martens, M.(2022, February 21). Potterversity: A Potter studies podcast, an academic podcast - made in association with and hosted by Dr. Katy McDaniel (Marietta College) and Emily Strand (Mt. Carmel College/Signum University). Section was about my book, Forever Fandom.
Martens, M., Kuhlmann, T. (2021, June). Time is relative - A conversation with Einstein author/ illustrator Torben Kuhlmann and Marianne Martens, Ph.D. American Library Association (virtual).
Campana, K., Mills, J.E., Martens, M., & Haines, C. (2019, June). Invited Keynote: Media literacy, computational thinking, and connected family learning: Positioning new media across the evolving landscape of children’s services. Washington, DC: ALSC Leadership at ALA Annual Meeting.
Martens, M. (2018, March). The forever fandom of Harry Potter: Fan fiction, festivals, and charitable works. The Gryphon Lecture. (Invited and named annual lecture series), University of Illinois, School of Information Sciences, Champaign-Urbana, Il.
Martens, M. (2017, July). “Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors:” Spanning and expanding worlds with children’s book illustration. Greenacres Visual Literacy Conference. Invited by children’s author/illustrator and conference organizer Will Hillenbrand, Cincinnati, OH. (Unable to attend because of death in the family.)
Refereed TEDx Talk
Martens, M. (2017, February 17). Beware: Harry Potter fandom in a digital era [Video]. TEDx Kent State. Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Refereed Conference Workshops
Martens, M., Balling, G., Rinnert, G., Campana, K., Mills, J., Ghazinour, K., Haines, C., Manotipya, P. (2019, March 31). Establishing an inspiring, inclusive, and interdisciplinary research community around young people, information, and technology. Pre-conference workshop conducted at iConference, University of Maryland.
Juncker, B., Meyers, E., Martens, M., Balling, G., Fisher, K, & Todd, R. (2015, March). Digital youth research network: Defining the field, building connections, and exploring collaborations. Pre-conference workshop conducted at iConference, Newport, CA.
Juncker, B., Balling, G., Martens, M., Anderson, T., Dresang, E.T., Fisher, K., Davis, K., & Druin, A. (2014, March). Digital youth: Towards a new multidisciplinary research network: A half day workshop. Pre-conference workshop conducted at iConference, Berlin, Germany.
Non-refereed Pre-Conference Research Workshop
Bishop, A, Fisher, K., Martens, M., & Meyers, E. (2016, March). Pre-conference “Teen Design Day” workshop conducted at the Philadelphia Free Library in connection with iConference, Philadelphia, PA.
Peer-reviewed Conference Posters, Tech Demos, and Other
Martens, M. (2023, October). Infusing teaching with international perspectives: Singapore, 2023. Kent State University, Annual University Teaching Council Celebrating College Teaching Conference.
Campana, K., Mills, J., Martens, M., and Haines, C. (2018). Young children, new media, & libraries 2018 survey. 2018 ALSC Institute (poster), Cincinnati, OH.
Mills, J.E.; Campana, K.; Martens, M.; & Haines, C. (2018, November). The evolving landscape of children’s librarians’ use of new media with young children and their caregivers: A longitudinal study. ASIS&T 2018 (Visual Presentation), Vancouver, CA.
Mills, J.E., Campana, K., Martens, M., & Haines, C. (2018, August). Where the wired things are: A study of current technology use in public library programming for young children (poster). Connected Learning Summit, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.
Rinnert, G. C., Martens, M., & Mooney, A., (2018, August). Learning through movement and play: Creative gamification in Energetic Alpha, an iPad app for preschoolers (tech demo). Connected Learning Summit, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.
Rinnert, G.C., Martens, M., Mooney, A., Talbot, J., Rinnert, B. (2017, June). Energetic Alpha: Playful handwriting practice for children. ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Stanford, CA.
Latham, K. and Martens, M. (2016, January). Radical change in the academy: Converging disciplines reflecting converging institutions. Work-in-progress poster presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) annual conference, Boston, MA.
Martens, M., Andersen C., Kaplan, B., Sanders, S., Schilling, S., Van der Schyf, S. L.,* (2015, October). A class trip to wonderland: History, space, play, and culture in Danish children’s literature and librarianship. Poster presented at the United States Board on Books for Young People Conference, New York, NY. (Co-presenters are students from 61095 International Children’s Literature and Librarianship)
Martens, M. (2015, January). Through the looking glass: How Danish LIS education reflects mandates on culture. Poster presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) annual conference, Chicago, IL.
Pre-Kent State: Refereed Conference Posters
Martens, M. (2011, February). Team Edward or Team Jacob? How user-generated content is transforming young adult literature. Poster and short paper presented at the iConference 2011, Seattle, WA.
Martens, M. (2011, January). Removing the gatekeepers: How multiplatform books, user generated content, and peer-to-peer reviewing are transforming young adult literature. Poster presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) annual conference, San Diego, CA.
Martens, M. (2015, February). Global citizens through children’s books: Infusing collections with books from around the world. Invited by Sophia Louise Van Der Schyf, Akron Public Library, Akron, OH.
Martens, M. (2013, April). From doctoral student to assistant professor: A view from the field of LIS. Distinguished Alumni Panel at Rutgers, School of Communication and Information, New Brunswick, NJ.
Conference Convenor and Co-Organizer
Balling, G., and Martens, M. (co-convenors). (2024). Researching the Reading Experience in the Digital Age. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Langendonck, A. (co-organizer), Martens, M. (co-organizer and Chair for the Day), and members from IFLA’s Children & Young Adults Section and ILFA’s Literacy and Reading Section (2023). Young Children’s Journeys into Reading: Early Literacy Stories. Satellite meeting held at The National Library of the Netherlands and the Children’s Book Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands in conjunction with the World Library and Information Congress in Rotterdam.
Martens, M. (co-convenor). (2021). IFLA’s Libraries for Children and Young Adults Virtual Midyear meeting. Attended by over 100 people from around the world.
Martens, M., Alekseeva, M., Purnik, A., Systad, J. (IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section), & Tabački, T (National Library of Serbia Team). (2019, August). New Library Professionals for Children and Young Adults. IFLA 2019 Satellite Conference at National Library of Serbia, Belgrade.
Martens, M. & Balling, G. (2019). Workshop co-chairs. iConference 2019.
Nichols, M., Baldini, M., & Martens, M. (2018, July). Co-convenors of Second Biannual Marantz Picturebook Research Symposium. Theme: Graphic novels and comics: The Future of the Movement. Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Martens, M. (2016, July 24-26): Convenor of funded “First Biannual Marantz Picturebook Research Symposium.” Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Martens, M. (2015, July 14): Co-organizer, Northeast Ohio Regional Library Services Summer Symposium. Kent, OH. Event had to be cancelled at last minute due to serious illness of keynote speaker.
Martens, M. (2015, May): Co-organizer of three events around “A daily dose of reading: Growing readers everywhere,” featuring author/illustrator Rosemary Wells. Two events at Akron Children’s Hospital, and a day-long symposium at Kent State University.
Martens, M. (2014-2015): Co-organizer Virginia Hamilton Conference. Served as board member and conference speaker.
Martens, M. (2014, May): Co-organizer Pop-Up symposium, featuring author Robert Sabuda. Kent State University.
Panel Moderator
Martens, M. (2017). Author panel moderator. Virginia Hamilton Conference, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
Martens, M. (2015, October). Publishing international books in the United States: A wonderland of opportunity. United States Board on Books for Young People Regional Conference. With: Herwig Bitsche, Publisher, NordSüd Verlag, Switzerland; Heather Lennon, Managing Director, NorthSouth Books USA; Lisbeth Zwerger, illustrator, Austria; Rashin Kheriyeh, illustrator, Iran, New York, NY.
Panels Pre-Kent State
Martens, M. (2011). “Getting Published.” Participated on panel for doctoral students at the School of Communication and Information.
Martens, M. (2010). Participated on panel for doctoral students at the School of Communication and Information on the Institutional Review Board process: “Overseas and Underage: An IRB Challenge”
Martens, M. (2009, October). Joys and challenges of bringing international books to the US. Chaired panel with editor Arthur Levine at the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) Regional Conference, St. Charles, IL.
Martens, M. (2009, July). American Library Association Annual (ALA) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL Designed and moderated panel at the ALA conference in Chicago for USBBY and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) called “Mixing it Up: The process of bringing international books to the US,” featuring Karlijn Stoffels, Dutch author of Heartsinger, translator Laura Watkinson, publisher Arthur Levine, Arthur A. Levine Books, and editor Cheryl Klein, Arthur A. Levine Books.
Martens, M. (2009, April). Where’s Waldo? Co-organized panels, guest speakers, and storytellers related to the Guinness World Record Breaking Event at Rutgers University, and a related book drive for schools and libraries in New Brunswick, NJ.
Invited Think Tank Participant
October 16-17, 2014. IMLS-Funded Digital Youth Seattle Think Tank. University of Washington iSchool, Seattle, WA.
Invited Advisory Board Member
Invited Advisory Board Member, ALA Editions, for the fourth edition of Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism by Michael Cart (Spring 2020)
Invited Grant Reviewer
Martens, M. (2015, April). Reviewer for National Leadership Grants. Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Washington D.C.
Other Talks
Boon, B., Martens, M., Salaba, A., & Smith, C. (co-organizers of the iSchool's DEI&B Task Force Spring Event) (2023): Dr. Kawanna Bright Building a Privilege Layer Cake webinar, April 7, 2023.
Martens, M. et al. (co-organizers as KSU ALA Student Group Liaison) (2023). Included: Neurodiversity and Disability in Libraries with Dr. Amelia Gibson, UMD College of Information Studies; Renee Grassi, Director Lake Bluff Public Library; organized by Kent State University's Student Chapter of ALA in partnership with KSU's Graduate Student Advisory Council; and the University of Pittsburgh's Student Chapter of ALA. (Over 80 people attending this webinar, available here.)
Martens, M. et al. (co-organizer) (2021). Children's Librarianship: International Perspectives, with members of IFLA's Section on Libraries for Children and Young Adults: Maria Alekseeva and Anton Purnik from Russia; Jorun Systad from Norway, and Benjamin Scheffler, Berlin, Germany. Co-organizer of webinar with KSU's ALA Student Chapter, ALSC, and IFLA. (over 400 attended this webinar).
Martens, M. (2018, February). The Forever Fandom of Harry Potter. Doctoral Students Colloquium, Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Martens, M. (2017). Interview with Marcus Pfister, author of The Rainbow Fish, American Library Association, Chicago, IL. (Canceled due to death in family.)
Martens, M. (Spring, 2016). Webinar on International children’s literature and librarianship to promote class: 61095 ICLL.
Harper, M. & Martens, M. (2014, August). Apps for the Common Core. Northeast Ohio Regional Library Symposium. Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Martens, M. (2014, April). Digital pop-ups: Movable books in a multimodal domain. Pop-Up Symposium. Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Martens, M. (2013, November). International children’s literature and librarianship. Talk and webinar given in conjunction with Kent State’s Office of Global Education’s International Education Week.
Invited Peer Reviewer
- 2024: Bookbird
- 2024: New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship
- 2024: Social Media and Society
- 2024: Convergence
- 2023: Information, Processing and Management
- 2023: Cambridge University Press, Elements. Reviewed a forthcoming monograph.
- 2023: Information and Learning Sciences
- 2023: Research on Diversity in Youth Literature
- 2022: Cambridge University Press, Elements. Reviewed a forthcoming monograph.
- 2022: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
- 2021: Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.
- 2021: Atlantic Journal of Communication.
- November 2020: Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- June 2020: Media and Communication. Served as peer reviewer of journal article.
- December 2019: Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- July 2019: The Lion and the Unicorn. Served as peer reviewer of journal article.
- October 2018: iConference 2019. Served as peer reviewer of six papers.
- January 2018: SHARP Conference, Sydney Australia. Reviewed conference proposals.
- October 2017: New Media & Society. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- October 2017: Participations. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- July 2017: Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- January 2017: SHARP Conference, Victoria, Canada. Reviewed nine proposals.
- October 2016: iConference 2017. Served as peer reviewer of six papers.
- September 2016: Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- August 2016: Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. Served as peer reviewer of article.
- August 2016: Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services (LCATS). Served as peer reviewer of article.
- July 2016: Cambridge University Press. Served as reviewer for a possible book series about the publishing field.
- April 2016: Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC2016). Served as peer reviewer of short papers.
- December 2015: Peer reviewer of article for the Journal of Religious and Theological Information (article about children’s literature and Islam).
- September 2015: iConference 2016. Served as peer reviewer of workshops and papers.
- June 2015: Peer reviewer of article for Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children.
- January 2015: Reviewer for Rutgers Media Studies Conference Extending Play: The Sequel.
- October 2014: iConference 2015. Served as peer reviewer of up to six papers.
- February 2014: Peer reviewer of article for International Journal of Communication.
- February 2014: Reviewer of Fuller, D. and Rehberg Sedo, D. (2013). Reading Beyond the Book: The Social Practices of Contemporary Literary Culture. New York, NY and Oxon, UK: Routledge. Reviewed in SHARP News.
- January 2014: Peer reviewer of article for The International Information & Library Review (IILR).
- November 2013: Peer reviewer of article for The International Information & Library Review (IILR).
- October 2013: iConference 2014, served as peer reviewer of up to six papers.
- June 2013: Peer reviewer of article for Atlantic Journal of Communication.
- November 2012: Reviewer for Rutgers Media Studies Conference: Extending Play.